The Popular Front has created a special Radar service. General vigilance, attention to suspicious situations will prevent or minimize the consequences of possible emergencies.You need to install the app on your phone. In case you notice suspicious objects: drones, rockets, explosions, suspicious groups of people, just open the app, position your phone in the direction of the object and select what you see. Drones are selected by default, if you cannot decide which object you have encountered, click "dont know". Next, click the "Report" button.Your signal will immediately be forwarded to the responsible federal agencies for verification and action. If the network is lost during the message, the system captures the signal and notifies the user that the information will be transmitted as soon as the phone appears on the network. The application also allows you to additionally send a photo and description of a suspicious object. After you have reported the object in the application, be sure to call the operational services of your region at 112.Also join the Popular Fronts Cyber Squad - a community of caring people who voluntarily participate in repelling information threats to Russian citizens.